Learn Social Media Marketing

Every social media marketing professional likes to tell you how to do things because they're best practice and proven to work in the past. I know from experience that "best practices" and proven past strategies and tactics don't necessarily work for ALL businesses. So, when you're reading through my blog, keep in mind that these are just RECOMMENDATIONS, what works for the majority of businesses, might not work for yours. (If you want some tips how to customize something for your business, just shoot me an email.)

Don't be afraid to test things out and try new strategies. Just remember to check your analytics on a regular basis to ensure what you're doing is working and you're achieving the results that are important to your bottom line.

Need help? Holla at cha' girl!


5 Ways To Optimize Your Social Media Campaign For SEO

Like most things in life, increasing your website’s SEO is not a quick-fix, which is pretty disappointment of those of us who enjoy instant gratification.


Does Your Business Need its Own Mobile App?

Thanks to modern technology, our society is connected like never before. Everyone has a mobile device and the majority of those devices aren’t just being used to make phone calls.


How to Choose a Social Media Consultant

Soooo… What? You know your competition is killing it on social media and you want to be annihilating them. Not only that, but you need to do it right. This is where the role of a social media consultant comes into play. This is your strong ally who will help you learn the basics of social media marketing.


Finding your target audience with social media

Want to know how to use social media to assist you in the discovery process of your target audience? This week we talked about figuring out your ideal clients, understanding what your audience is interested in and how to figure out what platforms they’re on.

why edmonton businesses need a website

Why you still need a website in 2019

Remember when Instagram was broken and everyone was freaking out?

united nations edmonton speaker

Flex: I was invited to speak at a United Nations of Canada event!

Today I presented about branding, graphic design and digital marketing at an event organized by the United Nations of Canada!

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Sociamonials Review: I Try Sociamonials Social Media Manager Dashboard

One thing I hate is signing up for trials of tools so that’s why I decided to focus on doing more YouTube reviews of social media tools, saving you the hassle! Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel to get the latest and greatest reviews.

facebook growth strategies

5 Semi-Okay Ways to Grow Your Facebook Business Page

This blog post covers one of the most popular questions I constantly get asked: How do I get more Facebook Page Likes? Here are some “decent ways”.


Come learn how to grow your social accounts!

I’m sharing all the “secrets” aka tactics you probably aren’t familiar with. And if you’ve seen me present in the past, you know there will be awkward jokes, some unethical learnings (for educational purposes) and much more!