Learn Social Media Marketing
Every social media marketing professional likes to tell you how to do things because they're best practice and proven to work in the past. I know from experience that "best practices" and proven past strategies and tactics don't necessarily work for ALL businesses. So, when you're reading through my blog, keep in mind that these are just RECOMMENDATIONS, what works for the majority of businesses, might not work for yours. (If you want some tips how to customize something for your business, just shoot me an email.)
Don't be afraid to test things out and try new strategies. Just remember to check your analytics on a regular basis to ensure what you're doing is working and you're achieving the results that are important to your bottom line.
Need help? Holla at cha' girl!
The Easiest Way to Start a Podcast
Literally, it’s the easiest thing ever. Especially if you don’t have a huge budget and don’t want to buy fancy schmancy equipment like the pros. So here’s how I set up our podcast using the minimum requirements. Maybe it’ll spark an idea for you to start your own!
Business Tools You Likely Aren’t Taking Advantage Of
As an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s totally understandable to want to do everything. The reality is that running a business takes a lot more than just being good at multitasking and there are some tasks you simply can’t do. This is why it’s so critical that you utilize as many business tools as possible in order to make your business journey that much easier for yourself and your team.
Big Branding Mistakes to Avoid
Creating a successful brand isn’t as easy as many people assume. Here are some of the common branding mistakes that companies make – and what you should be doing instead!
A Guide To Making Your Small Business Look 10x The Size
If you want to get bigger and better results for your business, one thing you can try is making your business look bigger and better than it really is. Making your business look bigger than it is might seem dishonest, but you don’t need to lie. You simply need to create the illusion of a larger, more successful business.
Improving Customer Experience to Grow Your Business
Customer experience is crucial when it comes to growing a business, whether yours is online, based in the “real world”, or a combination of the two. When we offer a great customer experience, we keep our customers happy.
How to Build a Positive Reputation for Your Company Online
If you own or manage a small business, then you know how important it is to build a positive reputation.
Managing your business and marketing during this weird time
Last week I had a chance to participate in the Co. Lab’s Hypothesis webinar series. We had an honest chat about how we’re each handling the COVID-19 weirdness and answered questions from viewers on how to market themselves at a time like this.