Learn Social Media Marketing

Every social media marketing professional likes to tell you how to do things because they're best practice and proven to work in the past. I know from experience that "best practices" and proven past strategies and tactics don't necessarily work for ALL businesses. So, when you're reading through my blog, keep in mind that these are just RECOMMENDATIONS, what works for the majority of businesses, might not work for yours. (If you want some tips how to customize something for your business, just shoot me an email.)

Don't be afraid to test things out and try new strategies. Just remember to check your analytics on a regular basis to ensure what you're doing is working and you're achieving the results that are important to your bottom line.

Need help? Holla at cha' girl!

how to optimize your website for social media

4 Easy Ways to Make Your Website Social Media Friendly

Social media essentials that are easily looked over when creating and improving your website… Grab my checklist too!

how to use facebook creative hub

How to Use Facebook Creative Hub

Facebook just launched Creative Hub! Let’s take a first look at the new feature and all the bells and whistles.

vanity metrics and social media

Ryan Holtz Podcast: Throwin’ Shade & Vanity Metrics

Listen to me on the Ryan Holtz Show: Episode 06: Interview with Beverley Theresa on Vanity Metrics, Social Media Marketing & Shade

using social media for a good cause

Creating Community Involvement with Social Media

I hope this week’s video inspires you this holiday season to start something new that benefits your community! Bring the online social media world to the offline, real world!

social media conference in edmonton

iMEDIA Social Media Conference, Here I Come!

Guess what my lovers?! I’ll be speaking about the dark side of social media marketing at iMEDIA in March 2017 alongside some amazing people.

ways to cheat the facebook algorithm

4 Ways to Beat the Facebook Algorithm

The ins and outs of the Facebook Algorithm and how to “beat” it.

snapchat filter for event marketing

Snapchat On Demand Geofilters for Event Marketing

Learn how to set up Snapchat On Demand Geofilters and creative ways to use them.

social media marketing pet peeves

Top 3 Social Media Pet Peeves Explained

I surveyed my friends and followers about what they found annoying on social media and got over 250 responses, these three were the most common.

social media apps

Ultimate List of Useful Social Media Marketing Apps

The first episode of my weekly project! Here are what social media apps I use as a person who loves social media, but also as a social media marketer.