Learn Social Media Marketing

Every social media marketing professional likes to tell you how to do things because they're best practice and proven to work in the past. I know from experience that "best practices" and proven past strategies and tactics don't necessarily work for ALL businesses. So, when you're reading through my blog, keep in mind that these are just RECOMMENDATIONS, what works for the majority of businesses, might not work for yours. (If you want some tips how to customize something for your business, just shoot me an email.)

Don't be afraid to test things out and try new strategies. Just remember to check your analytics on a regular basis to ensure what you're doing is working and you're achieving the results that are important to your bottom line.

Need help? Holla at cha' girl!


5 Chrome Extensions to Make Social Media Management Easier

Managing your social media accounts can be time-consuming, and the last thing you want is for it to be difficult and frustrating when it comes to curating content. You’re a busy person so here’s a list of my top five favorite Chrome extensions to help make your social media management easier.


Edmonton Social Media Marketing & Personal Branding Event

One thing I love talking to people about is personal branding. Which is why I’m extra excited for this upcoming event! I’ve partnered up with the talented folks at Edmonton’s NextGen for their speaker series and will be presenting on May 9th at 99ten in Edmonton. If you’re an Edmonton entrepreneur, freelancer or even someone […]


Caution: These Content Marketing Strategies Will Skyrocket Your Organic Traffic

At this point, just about everyone knows how crucial content marketing is for building an authoritative online business — a brand that a well-defined audience can trust for valuable insights, advice, and ultimately their purchase decisions.

online marketing conferences canada

Canadian Digital Marketing Conferences to Attend in 2020

A handy list of social media and digital marketing conferences and summits happening in Canada in 2018. Which ones will you be attending?

how to beat writers block

Combat the Block – How Content Marketers Overcome Writer’s Block and Write Faster

The reality is that even some of the most successful, high profile marketers find themselves facing writer’s block with some degree of regularity. In its worst forms, “creative constipation” can result in lousy, boring blog content – or maybe no content at all.

2018 instagram changes to api

2018 Instagram API Changes Will Murder Influencers

Instagram announced at the end of January that they’d be making some API changes this year. Like, MAJOR API changes. Read more to see how they’ll affect you.

contractors and construction digital strategy

Make Your Mark in the Contracting Industry with a Solid Web Strategy

Regular social media posting combines with consumer interaction for content marketing and customer service boosts. And tracking comments on social media and reviews on the internet (claim your Google My Business page!) helps you manage reputation — essential for trust building.

optimizing content for smartphones

The Click & Bounce: Content Marketing & The Importance of Mobile

A website’s content doesn’t render readable on our phones so we hit back and forget about wanting to read your content. Or the video is 8 minutes long and we know we’re going to fall asleep because the logo bumper reel was at the beginning of your video and took up more than 5 seconds.


How Social Media Affects Post-Secondary Choices

Stop thinking that people only use social media for connecting with friends and family. People are using it for all sorts of reasons, whether they realize it or not.